About Ha Le Thai

Professional Degrees
- Bachelor of Teaching
- Dip in Child studies
- Dip in Clinical Hypnosis& NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program)
- Practitioner of Meta Dynamic ™
- Master Practitioner Time Line Therapy ®
- EFT Master Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique)
- Master Practitioner Of Positive Psychology
- Psychosomatic Practitioner
- Certified Life Coach
- Certificate IV TAE (Trainer & Assessor)
I am really fond of children and have given my life to serve them with all of my affection and passion
Ha Le Thai
Experienced Educator
For more than 25 years in education field in different contexts from family day to child care centres, schools and having her own preschool, becoming Brilliant Children founder, a Parenting Coach, an Educator’s Trainer, a Writer and Health and Life Coach, Ha Le has been teaching and developing various techniques, different patterns of mindsets and multiple strategies that have helped countless parents in more than 25 cultures in Australia and overseas. She has helped parents and guardians to transform their situations from overwhelmed and uncontrolled ones to more balanced and controlled ones. She’s helped them to stop using unnecessary words, wrong attitudes and unwanted energy toward their children and start living a life that they dream to have for their family – a life to the fullest.
Ha Le has unique skills to raise capable, intellectual, independent, resilient and respectful children for parents and guardians to achieve the best outcomes for their children’s learning and growing without yelling, shouting, frustrating or giving in to guilt.
As a child being abused by her babysitter and accidentally neglected by her parents in her childhood which resulted in many unfortunate features in her life, she has later experienced three deadly cancers and then came to realise that wrong childhood education experiences could destroy a person’s life. These also give her an in-depth research of how the emotions affect a person’s future pathways and what to do to prevent further damages at an early age or any age of a person.
‘If someone asks me to raise from 0-10 on how much I love children, I would rate 10/10″ Ha Le answered with her content smile!!!
Holistic approaches work best for the children and their parents
With insights from her lifelong study about the human’s lives from an unborn baby to adulthood and holistic energy medicine healing, NLP, Clinical Hypnosis, Time Line therapy, Meta Dynamic TM, Psychosomatic, Positive Psychology, and Life Coach Ha Le has had an excellent understanding of how human behaviours lead to specific outcomes in a person’s life. This knowledge helps Ha Le to guide parents and guardians to understand their children further and equip them with the best tools for different opportunities or challenges which they may face in life at various stages and ages. In other words, parents can get help and guidance with the best ways for helping their loved young ones to learn and grow to the fullest.
Ha Le’s commitment to working with children
Moreover, when working with young children, Ha Le noticed differences in each child, from one individual child to another and she helped them to move from being “the little rascals” to “the little angels” successfully. She has shared these skills and trained her staff as well as parents who used her preschool service how to handle children with ease and success. Now she loves to share these techniques with all parents and whoever is in charge of and interested in young children’s lives.
Ha Le also witnesses her young students who grew from young boys/girls to young adults, and she realises that parents’ right education for their children plays the most crucial part in the forming of a grown-up later on. “I just wish that parents had listened to my advice 15 years ago and their children wouldn’t have become those kinds of personality today and the parents wouldn’t have experienced that kind of pain!” This was one of Ha Le’ remarks on the parents who had a wrong approach to the education of their children. At this point, Ha Le has made her commitment to having more training and learning to become an expert who can coach parents to practise the proper things for their unborn child to their adolescent one. “Parents have many approaches, methods and techniques to raise their kids to become a healthy grown-up and this is what the ‘parenting coaching’ is all about,” Ha Le said. “I believe that with the good, healthy and right understanding of parenting, parents can raise a happy and healthy person who would stand strong and confident on their feet in all circumstances along with their life”, she added.
Ha Le worked with children for a long time. Her love and care for them, and has made her vow to herself to serving young children and their families with all her heart, and this is her greatest PASSION! There was a lot of parent from the cultures have called Ha Le “A MOTHER OF ALL”. If someone asks Ha Le how much she loves to work and serve the family as a whole, she would answer 10/10 without a hesitant!!!
With years of studying, training, researching, Ha Le has achieved different degrees in different fields of education and human development. She is fully confident that she can make a difference in families who wish to shape a bright future for their children.
Children never ask us to do a good job for them, we only do that with our hearts, passion and loving care voluntarily, and they need a lot of kind hearts to help them to become a healthy, happy, and successful individual
Children deserve the very best
“Children deserve best attention and best love from their parents and their loved ones since they have only one childhood”. Ha Le reminds parents of this all the time.
A critical message that Ha Le wants to address here is that all experiences which a child goes through from his/her childhood (unborn to 7 years old) will determine their future later. As a Health and Life Coach for her grown-up clients who suffer from depression, anxiety, PDST, pain, relationship problems, bad habits, work issues… and all the consequences resulting from their childhood experiences. Ha Le is passionate about making a difference in young children’s lives, and working with parents to prepare a brighter future for them.
“A lot of parents thought that they had the best method in teaching their children, but they received worst outcomes unexpectedly when their children grew up” Ha Le stated, and she has noticed a proper understanding and knowledge of child rearing and raising would be needed if parents want to achieve their intended outcomes.
“Each child is like a unique kind of the flower and each of them needs proper care for a full blossom” Ha Le urges parents to understand their children’s needs to provide appropriate care for them who deserve the best from their parents.
A great leader and trainer
When come to Ha Le’s preschool, we could experience great sense of belonging. Ha Le created a wonderful preschool for the community and it had a great reputation for high quality care. All of this came from Ha Le great leadership skills. She ran her centre, trained her staff well, and had a great connection with each family who used her service. All of her staff had had a great working environment and had equipped the great skills from Ha Le. Each of them can be seen as a competent educator who loved by children and the families.
“I want to share my experiences and knowledge to the educators and different child care centre. Children need the best educators for them, and a best child care centre to attend and I am very confident in doing these jobs” Ha Le expressed passionately.